Latest Newsletter from The Starting Point Centre

January 2024 - Latest Newsletter

Please see below some updates about our service to ensure we work to make changes and improvements so we can continue to make family time as special as possible:

Happy New Year – some key updates about our service

On behalf of the team at The Starting Point Centre, we wish you a very Happy New Year.

Our achievements since April 2021 (reported from 12th December 2023)

Ø  To date, we have supported 501 children to see their non-resident parents and other family members.

Ø  We have supported 330 families to put family time in place.

Ø  We are working with 89 families to support them with family time.

Our Team

Our team has strengthened with expertise recognised by all team members.  We remain a strong, well-trained, and vibrant team of professionals passionate about our work.

Our role is to facilitate family time and we work hard to make it as safe as possible.  If you are unhappy with something, we ask you to email to start the process so we can fully review your concerns.  If you would like to make an official complaint, please see the full policy and process on our website in the footer of the home page. 

If you want time to talk in detail this may have extra charges.  Our Family Case Manager, Weekend Duty Manager and Operations Manager will support, with the Operations Manager and Directors support.

Funding and bank change for CIC accounts

Currently, the funding available for supported contact has been frozen.  Further funding bids are in the pipeline but funding after COVID has become increasingly difficult to obtain. Please note the charity bank account will cease from the 2nd of February and all invoices currently billed will require payment into the Starting Point bank sort code 04-00-04 account number 02722335.  All invoices will accrue VAT with immediate effect.

New website

Our new website is running well, and we welcome your thoughts.  Check it out and let us know what you think.  We are making further improvements and adding a referral form as a section on the site and a café order form that can be via the website, securely and protected.  It is predicted that both of these will go live in February.

Family Contact Reports

Further changes to notes are in process and being tested in contacts over the next few weeks.  Our reports are currently very detailed and the increase in admin required would mean, other than the yearly increase in prices that we would need to charge more for reports.  The reports have been streamlined and will be shorter but hold the relevant information.  Please ask to see an outline when you visit the site.    The report will continue to be sent to the parent, carer or council making payment for the family time.

Price increases from 1st March 2024

Our prices are changing with increases needed to secure the service. They are increasing by 8% in line with increases in overheads.  Also from 1st March, we will only offer 1-hour contact time at the end of each day due to scheduling changes.  All services will be charged with VAT other than mediation services.

Company Restructure

To make the service sustainable we have had to re-structure the organisation.  Below is a list of all staff who dedicate themselves to family time.

Anna Robinson

Director and Family Mediator

0113 246 4940 option 4

Gaye Walton

Operations Manager

0113 246 4940 option 1

Emma Bethlehem

Family Case Manager

0113 246 4940 option 3

Tracy Rajput

Weekend Duty Manager

0113 246 4940 option 1

Hannah Walton

Admin Manager & Accounts

0113 246 4940 option 2

Leanne Cass



All families are assigned a Family Case Manager. They work closely with the Weekend Duty Manager, and they are responsible for supporting each family, whilst using the centre.  They will arrange a call twice a month to discuss any concerns and to have a conversation about moving the contact forward.  This should include a conversation with the resident parent.

We continue to have a strong and dedicated team of family support workers who work each week. 

For social services accounts – the case manager will make calls regarding updates when required or after agreement with the social worker.

Should a family or social worker wish for more time to discuss concerns, then there will be an admin fee assigned which is dependent on the time required.

Please bear in mind all staff are working hard to ensure you and your child/children’s safety.  We run a zero-tolerance behaviour policy which states clearly:  a ban on any type of violence, sexism, racism, homophobia or general prejudice against another person, child, or a member of staff including dealing with anti-social behaviour of any type.


All bookings have to be emailed to  Once the proposed dates get emailed, confirmation from all parties MUST come back within 2 days of the email, or the contact will be given to another family.  Confirmation from everyone involved in the contact.  We will not be chasing anyone to confirm payment going forward. If you do not cancel within 72 hours and you have not contacted us in writing, you will still be charged for your family time.

Emails and phone calls regarding bookings will be read, taken and actioned between 9 am and 12 pm Monday to Friday each day.  Outside these days and times please bear in mind they may not be answered until the next working day.  We are a small team and ask for your patience in returning your emails. 

Café orders

Café orders must be made anytime but up to 48 hours before family time. Please call or email your order to 0113 246 4940 option 1 or email  Payment will be sent via invoice and paid using the link provided.  If you would prefer to pay with cash, please call us.

The menu is being reviewed and there may be some small increases in prices and other options available soon.  The menu will be on the website, and you will be able to order online shortly.  If café orders are not paid for it could affect your family time booking.

Running late

If you know you are running late, please call us to let us know.  The number is 0113 246 4940 option 1.  We ask for your patience when calling we are a small team who are managing many different situations. However, all families are important, so we always have a manager on duty with support workers floating to ensure the centre is safe and secure.


Chasing of payment for contact for direct families will not happen with immediate effect.  Your contact needs to be paid on the due date on the invoice.  Cancellation of contacts needs to be at the latest 72 hours before the start time of the contact.  If payment or cancellation is not received, contact will be cancelled, and payment will still need to be made before more contacts take place.

Storage of your personal information

Our CRM system is with a company called Salesforce and the build of our bespoke CRM system is a project that began 2 years ago.  We have worked hard with the help of some specialists to ensure we can collect and store very sensitive data in a very efficient and safe way.  We appreciate you sharing as much information with us to help us put safe and professional family time in place to help you navigate your path to rebuild family bonds.  We assure you we take data storage and use of data very seriously. If you have concerns about how we manage our data, please contact our DPO (Data Protection Officer) Anna Robinson.  We are now looking at how to further streamline our systems.  Please contact if you want to offer suggestions about how we can make our systems better.

Family Mediation Service

Our sister company Turning Point Mediation is here to help you further navigate the family transition after separation or divorce.  Our fully trained Mediator is our director and founder who strives to make the journey as smooth as possible and endeavours to keep families away from court which is a very traumatic process. If you would like to discuss the next steps, please email Anna at and she will call you to discuss further.


Triple P – Family Transitions

This course is free to attend and is called The Positive Parenting Programme – Family Transitions.  Anna and Emma are now accredited to run this course and intend to roll it out in 2024.

When families go through separation or divorce there needs to be a period of transition to get used to the changes.  This course is designed to support parents in coming to terms with the changes and move forward positively.

If there is domestic violence or abuse involved this course is NOT appropriate.

Parents or carers from the same family have to attend separate courses.

The course is 2 hours a week for 5 weeks and will give parents/carers the skills to deal with the changes to remain a strong family and move forward to co-parent successfully.

For more information, please email


General enquiries                                          0113 246 4940 option 1

Account queries                                            0113 246 4940 option 2

Family Case Manager / Duty Manager              0113 246 4940 option 3

Turning Point Mediation enquiries                    0113 246 4940 option 4

Safeguarding and emergencies                       0113 246 4940 option 5

NACCC our accreditation body               

0115 948 4557


Thanks to everyone using our services we feel passionate about our work and appreciate your feedback. 


The Starting Point Social Enterprise here to help re-build families